»Der Abschied vom Resozialisierungsziel«

Social rehabilitation in prison shrinks in times of corona-crisis

In a recently published guest commentary in the Austrian newspaper Der Standard (27.04.2020) criminal-sociologist Arno Pilgram has argued, that the current COVID-19 pandemic shows the thin ground on which social rehabilitation stands within the Austrian penal system.

Over the last couple of weeks, daily life for prisoners has drastically changed: no more visits or day releases, scarce phone calls and shutting down of employment to name just a few examples. Such measures give evidence of the fragility of social rehabilitation which immediately falls victim to security measures against corona. Considerations as to how social rehabilitation could be pursued just as seriously as the current health security measures are lacking, according to Pilgram, who takes a government-critical perspective. Instead of implementing measures aimed at avoiding or suspending any form of imprisonment that does not appear to be absolutely necessary (as a safety measure for society against highly dangerous persons), worries of how to prevent riots through “atmospheric crisis intervention” remain. Furthermore, Pilgram indicated, that it would have been desirable, if green Minister of Justice, Alma Zadic, had used the potentials of the current situation for publicly starting critical debate on crisis management capabilities as well as overall sustainability and the future of the Austrian penal system. To read the full article in German click here:
