Veronika Reidinger
PhD in Sociology: “The Social Organization of Preventive Measures” (ongoing), MA Social Work (University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten), BA Sociology (University of Vienna); 2014-2017 Researcher Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology, 2017-2018 Lecturer at the UAS St. Pölten, since 2018 Researcher at Ilse Arlt Institute for Social Inclusion Research (UAS St. Pölten), since 2021 Member of the Federal Commission for the Enforcement of Penalties and Preventive Measures (Preventive Human Rights Monitoring) of the Austrian Ombudsman Board.
For more information, including contact information, see here.
Research focus
Sociology of Social Work
Carceral Institutions and Alternatives
Restorative/Transformative Justice
Domestic Violence
Herbinger, Reidinger (2025)