CEPOL Conference: "Policing the pandemic " on 06.05.21
Paul Herbinger and Roger von Laufenberg will be presenting some ideas and hypotheses concerning the use of the police during the current pandemic at the CEPOL (European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training) Online Research & Science Conference on Thursday, 6th May. In this presentation, which is based on a recent research proposal currently under review, they consider that the problems with “policing the pandemic” might emerge as a result from a three-level governance of pandemic response – the governmental/legal level; the organisational structure of the police; ground level policing. This means that issues that ensue due to unclear legislation might trickle down onto the ground level work of police, where individual officers need to enact these measures in the interaction with the public and within their own discretionary scope. Large scale pandemic response thus rests on the shoulders of ground level police discretion, which has the potential of creating frictions in the police-public relations.
For last minute registration and additional information for the CEPOL conference, visit here.