This blog post will try to deal with the increasing risk of sex worker’ marginalization in Germany through the state’s protective measures. To do this, I will summarize how prostitution in Germany is legally and politically framed and what this means for the rights of sex workers and the policing thereof.
Read MoreIn this lecture Reinhard Kreissl talks about perceptions of security, the role of the media and a permanent arousal, infrastructural security, mundane security concerns and „the security paradox“. The lecture was held in the framework of the SOURCE project and has lost nothing in its topicality.
Read MoreThis is the start of a new blog series, which critically addresses the use of algorithms and machine learning in our society, highlighting the issues that emerge, what can be done to address these issues – from a technological and from a societal point of view, as well as periodically informing about the findings from the research project FairAlgos. This opening blog tackles the question of how algorithms can be biased in the first place. What does it mean to talk about algorithmic discrimination?
Read MoreDie rasante Verbreitung des Corona Virus hat auch eine Pandemie der literarischen Produktion erzeugt. Krisenkolumnen jeglicher Couleur demonstrieren, wie sich die Aufregung der Köpfe bemächtigt, moralische Erregung um sich greift und in den Laboren und Denkstuben wächst ungeahnte zeitdiagnostische Expertise nebst entsprechenden Ratschlägen und Warnungen heran.
Read MoreIn almost all European Member States, and within a few weeks public life has largely come to a halt. The restrictions put in place by Governments as a measure against the further spread of the Covid-19 Virus have raised concerns among practitioners and activists: will the lockdowns result in higher numbers and more sever forms of Domestic Violence? Does the relegation into the private sphere increase the violence? What do we know? And what can be done to mitigate the risks of high impact domestic abuse?
Read MoreVICESSE analyse how the COVID-19 pandemic is changing the (cyber-)crime landscape.
Read MoreDie Europäische Union garantiert vier Grundfreiheiten: Waren, Dienstleistungen, Kapital und Personen sollen sich in den Grenzen der EU frei bewegen dürfen. Europa solle ein Raum von Freiheit und Sicherheit werden. Sieht man genauer hin, geht es jedoch weniger um die Freiheit von Bewegungen als um die Steuerung und Kontrolle von Strömen.
Read MoreThe discourse on deliberation seems to be a mostly European one. It is nestled somewhere between narratives of western origins of democracy and deliberation, the construction of a discursive rational and much lauded examples of public deliberation in local decision-making processes, for example the Madrid’s City Council Budget or Irelands national referenda.[1] [2] The lessons learnt are, therefore, also limited to a predominantly European perspective.
Read MoreSicherheit von oben: Derzeit sind die Medien damit beschäftigt, rund um die Uhr zu berichten und zu informieren. Das soll den Menschen Sicherheit vermitteln, ebenso wie die kontinuierliche Kommunikation unserer Regierung. Trotzdem wird das Thema auf manchen Kanälen vielleicht zu stark behandelt, es fehlen teilweise die Atempausen dazwischen. Von unten:
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