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Part Man, Part Machine, All Cop

Angelika Adensamer (VICESSE) and Lukas Daniel Klausner (FH St. Pölten) attended the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) Conference in (virtual) Prague from August 18–21. They presented their working paper “Part Man, Part Machine, All Cop” on automation in policing in a panel on Digital Technologies in Policing and Security organized by Simon Egbert (TU Berlin) and Nikolaus Pöchhacker (TU Munich).

Full abstract: Digitisation permeates policing and justice more and more each year – from predictive policing methods through recidivism prediction to automated biometric identification at the border. The sociotechnical issues surrounding the use of such automation raise questions and reveal problems, both old and new. We give an overview of the varying interrelated categories of problems involving the use of automation in policing and the legal system, with a particular focus on questions of transparency and accountability as well as fundamental rights and data protection law, and in particular investigate the questions of organisational responsibility and effective legal remedies.

Conference programme:

Blog post in German by FH St. Pölten: